Pictures shall be shown by your GTS 1000 on this page. Embellish photos with beautiful motorcycles in nice surroundings. If so you want to make pictures of your motorcycles approachable to the general public here, always here so that. You find the reorganisation pictures shown till now here on the new selfmade page now.


I then make the beginning just, too ...

Leuchtturm Strande.jpg (124138 Byte)     Strande.jpg (99759 Byte)     Strande1.jpg (110028 Byte)     Aut_7905_c.jpg (216172 Byte)     Aut_7904_c.jpg (176039 Byte)     

    Lighthouse Bülk                         Kiel Fjord                         Only water ...                   Old mole in Bülk.                Wave of larboard.

Aut_7903_c.jpg (187749 Byte)     Aut_7906_c.jpg (162575Byte)     Aut_7907_c.jpg (202093 Byte)GTS_meets_Raps.jpg (390905 Byte)

Clear view to Denmark.         GTS goes Windsurfing              We are Sailing                GTS meet´s Rape.

You can use this background for Photos also for your Bike on 2002s Meeting, it is located on one of the tours.

Harm R. has had painted its GTS newly, here the result in winter 2001/2002:

Lackierung1_comp.jpg (557437 Byte)     Lackierung2_comp.jpg (440618 Byte)     Lackierung3_comp.jpg (257249 Byte)     Lackierung4_comp.jpg (365643 Byte)

                        Perfect for a bank raid. Which colour she never has just whitely one!

The same sir, the same moped. At the Silvretta only this time. However, the sir was peeved: The Ösis rip off at the toll quite well. The euro sends its regards.

100-0005_IMG_c.jpg (304330 Byte)     100-0021_IMG_c.jpg (206809 Byte)     100-0035_IMG_c.jpg (233301 Byte)     100-0036_IMG_c.jpg (163305 Byte)     100-0039_IMG_c.jpg (225835 Byte)     

100-0072_IMG_c.jpg (162809 Byte)

Andreas Pr. also was on the Silvretta, one takes particularly the price of petrol into account in Livigno, Italy. :-(((((

              GTS am Silvretta.jpg (101564 Byte)                                                    Benzinpreis in Livignio.jpg (88576 Byte)

Before a GTS 1000 with a 4in2 - Exhaust seen?                Of course the Sidecars shall not come too briefly, too ...

rearleft.jpg (100732 Byte)     rearright.jpg (94867 Byte)               GTS-Fighter1.jpg (79728 Byte)    cometgespann.jpg (51000 Byte)   yellowcomete1.jpg (50355 Byte)      

             Requiring habituation, but if it liked...                    The assembled Sidecars are all mega-Comete, built by Side-Bike

Andi P. sent this picture:                                                                                 And this rapid picture comes from Alex from Berlin:

            Reih und Glied 6.JPG (145636 Byte)                       Zahnriemen-GTS.jpg (73127 Byte)                                     gts 4_c.jpg (335170 Byte)  

Visual feedback with adrenalin factor.                    Hä? Toothed belt?                                       Slant position king on the Avus?

Möge uns allen folgendes erspart bleiben..      Stephan F. auf den Spuren von Toni M. (nee, nich Marschall)

dummie.jpg (91163 Byte)                                       Stephan_01.jpg (57836 Byte)     Stephan_02.jpg (23898 Byte)

 You find the report to the Crashtest here                         Taken on the racetrack "Anneau de Rhin" near Colmar.

Jörg A. sent me this police GTS.                                 This brilliant photo is from Andy P:                           And the one of Peter J:

           Pranger.jpg (97454 Byte)                                                 baby2_c.jpg (87412 Byte)                                      Frueh_uebt_sich.jpg (126159 Byte)

Source: Autobild 28/2002                                          The GTS is not a family vehicle of because of ...                                 Exactly....

These pictures were sent by Angelo S. from Switzerland:

Hpim0606.jpg (28733 Byte)     Hpim0607.jpg (37759 Byte)     Hpim0614.jpg (35640 Byte)     Hpim0617.jpg (37335 Byte)


The following, illustrated travel story comes from Claus Richter ...


GTS ' 93 year of construction since September 2000. Have she bought with or because of the paintwork. Advertisement was in the Internet. Have till now driven 22,000 km without greater problems. Some weeks ago, still was in the Alps/Dolomites. As a plant reconciles pictures: 091350 after Timmelsjoch, 105710 as of at the Sella, 165346 as of in Damüls/Vorarlberg, 141134 as of on the Roana Alpine pasture above Iselsberg/Lienz, 123038 after Großglockner, 125253 as of Pustertaler height street and 112303 after Felberntauerntunnel. The route altogether in sting words: from Dortmund (overnight) the motorail train to Munich, (Salzburg) till Traunstein, Felbertauerntunnel (Großglockner because of snow closed), Lienz from there excursion to Iselsberg, Großglockner, Defreggental about Toblach, three merlons, Cortina, Canazei, Sellarunde to Bozen by the Sarntal to Sterzing, Jaufenpass, Meran about the Timmelsjoch to Landeck about the Silvretta to Damüls/Vorarlberg. From there about this one as of to Dortmund back. Weather was . fantastic, except for the return journey, "which fell into the water"

Regards, Claus Richter.

                                            2002_0929_125253AB.JPG (643402 Byte)    2002_0929_125259AA.JPG (305214 Byte)    2002_0930_123038AB.JPG (300267 Byte)    2002_1001_141134AB.JPG (312318 Byte)     

                                            2002_1002_105710AB.JPG (322379 Byte)    2002_1003_091350AB.JPG (307601 Byte)    2002_1003_165346AB.JPG (318866 Byte)    4_2002_0928_112303AA.JPG (376991 Byte)

I got the following pictures of his newly lacquered EFI from Hans Aschenbrenner during a 2-day Großglockner Dolomites tour:


Our Picasso as a wedding state coach on 5-8-2005:


It was simply only beautiful and Peter had for a light moment ...